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You are Not Your Circumstances - Mindsutra Podcast

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

If you think everything in your life sucks, then this New Year listen to today's episode with Nelson Tressler.

Murder, Rape, and Abuse is just the start of his story. His mom had me when she was 15 years old. When she was pregnant her father shot two police officers. His mom testified at his grandfather's murder trial that the reason that her father shot the police officer was because he had raped her, and she was now pregnant with HIM. Nelson is the author of "The Unlucky Sperm Club: You are Not a Victim of Your Circumstance But a Product of your Choices" . He has also started a new business to help other people overcome their adversities through goals and personal development called IGotSmarter. He has previously worked at a top five commercial real estate firm for the last 20 years. He was the number one producer in the retail division several times closing more than $1 billion in deals. He is a serial entrepreneur and has started more than 10 businesses including one of the largest privately held pet resorts in the country!

I feel honored to have him as my first guest on the 2nd season of my Podcast Mindsutra kicking of from today!

Wishing you an Inspiring & Joyful 2021!

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